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A letter from the mother of Kobe Bryant's alleged victim

March 26, 2004

Your Honor,

I would like to share with you the reality of my daughter's life.

You are aware of 3 people that have been arrested for threatening her life. She has received literally hundreds of death threats on the phone, in the mail and e-mail. In addition, she has received thousands of obscene messages. We are constantly worried about her safety.

My daughter has lived in four different states in the past six months. She is followed everywhere by the defense and the media.

The defense begins to question everyone she meets. The media reveals her location. Her safety is at risk and she has to move again. She can't live at home, she can't live with relatives, she can't go to school, or talk to her friends.

When she moves to a new location she doesn't know anyone. As soon as she gets a job or makes a few acquaintances someone figures out who she is and the media arrives. The last time she got a job the second day she was there the media found her and began following her. Most employers are not willing to deal with the problems this brings to their business.

My daughter has been home for two days. Last night, she tried to have dinner with a friend and her friend's mom. On the way into the restaurant a man came up to them pulled out a camera and began taking pictures and questioning them. They asked him to stop, they tried to walk away he followed them and would not stop until she used a cell phone to call for help. First there is the fear when someone walks up to her and pulls something out of their pocket.

Are they going to hurt her? She has received more than enough death threats that those thoughts are now a required part of her daily life.

When the immediate fear of being harmed subsides, she is left with the frustration of knowing that she can't go anywhere, even have a simple dinner with a friend.

No one else involved in this case has had to make the life changes and compromises that my daughter has had to make and will need to continue to make until this case is over. Even the defendant is able to continue living in his home and continue with his employment.

My daughter has plans for her future. She wants to continue her education. However, her life is on hold and her safety is in jeopardy until this case is over. I am asking that the court do whatever possible to bring this case to trial as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration.


(name redacted)

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